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Financial Assistance

Support your best investment with financial assistance from Oakland University. More than half of all OU students receive financial assistance totaling more than $175 million annually. You can benefit from those funds, too — you just have to apply.

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OU offers and renews awards at its sole and absolute discretion; offers and renewals are contingent upon the availability of funds and continuation of the programs.

Search and apply for more than 250 OU scholarships. Additional funding opportunities are also available from the OU Research Office

十大菠菜台子提供研究生助教奖学金,这样你就可以获得专业经验,同时为成功完成研究生学位做出经济贡献. Assistantships are available to full-time, degree-seeking graduate students.

Eligibility and requirements
  • Students must have "regular" admission status to a specific graduate degree program
  • Students must be in good academic standing
  • 学生必须在指定的学期内保持十大菠菜台子的全日制注册身份
  • Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 and show satisfactory progress toward completing degree requirements
  • Students may not hold other employment positions during the term of appointment, either at Oakland University or elsewhere, without prior written permission from their faculty adviser and Graduate Education
  • Students must apply through Handshake
Available positions
研究生院和就业服务中心一直在通过握手改善研究生助理(GA)的招聘. Students must apply in Handshake to any open positions they are interested in.

Oakland University supports the Council of Graduate Schools Resolution regarding graduate scholars, fellows, trainees and assistants.
Additional information
Frequently asked questions
  • How do I apply for an assistantship?

    Graduate assistant open positions are posted on Handshake. Please visit the Career Services to set up an account. 

  • When am I able to set up an account on Handshake? 

    Once you have been fully admitted to Oakland University and have set up your covasystems.com email address, you will be able to set up an account. 

  • When are students with an assistantship paid? 


  • Are Graduate Assistant's required to maintain a minimum grade point average? 

    Yes, a minimum of 3.0 (B) is required. 

  • What if I need to resign early from my assistantship? 

    如果职位在十大菠菜台子在适用的重要日期日历中设定的日期之前终止,作为该学期“正式退学-全学期课程”的最后一天, you will be billed for tuition and costs (a) on a pro-rata basis for the remainder of the semester in which your appointment is terminated based upon your residency status as a graduate assistant; and (b) for any future semesters based upon your residency status prior to your appointment. 

  • How many credit hours do I need to register for each semester? 

    A graduate assistant must be enrolled in at least 8 credits per semester. 

  • Are there any exceptions to the 8 credits per semester? 

    Yes, the semester that you are graduating, you are allowed to be under enrolled. Once you have applied to graduate, this can be reviewed for approval. 

  • Can I work at another location on campus while I am a graduate assistant? 


2025年King-Chavez-Parks未来教师奖学金的申请现已开始,截止日期为 April 30, 2025.The application is located at MILogin - Login (michigan.gov)

King-Chavez-Parks (KCP)未来教师奖学金计划于1986年由密歇根州立法机构设立,旨在增加追求高等教育教师教学职业的学术或经济条件不利的候选人的数量.

KCP奖学金由密歇根州每年拨款给十大菠菜台子. 研究生院为KCP奖举办竞赛,并为获奖者提供攻读硕士和/或博士学位的经济资助.

Tuition for KCP fellows are paid by the Graduate School as long as the recipient:

  • remains in good academic standing
  • enrolls for a minimum of 16 credit hours each calendar year
  • enrolls in courses that satisfy degree requirements

Preference will not be given to applicants on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, sex or national origin. Applications from women, men, people with disabilities, and individuals from cultural, linguistic, geographic, 鼓励那些在研究生和教师群体中没有充分代表的社会经济背景的人申请.

Awarded fellows must file a Request for Tuition Reduction each term they are enrolled.

The KCP Future Fellowship Program is administered with support from the Workforce Development Agency.


To be eligible for this fellowship, students must:

  • be academically or economically disadvantaged;
  • 被十大菠菜台子研究生学位课程录取,促进了高等教育的职业生涯;
  • 是美国公民,并符合十大菠菜台子对密歇根州居民的要求; 
  • be in good academic standing as defined by Oakland University;
  • not be a current recipient of a KCP Fellowship Award at another institution;
  • not have received another KCP Fellowship Award for the same degree level (master's or doctorate)*; and
  • not currently be in default status on any guaranteed student loan and/or a KCP loan.

* Possession of a doctoral degree disqualifies a candidate from holding a KCP Fellowship.

Application process

All applicants are required to use the State of Michigan's website to apply. The application submission deadline is April 30, 2024. 

目前在十大菠菜台子注册或被录取的研究生学位课程的合格学生可以完成并向密歇根州提交申请. Applications must be complete in order to be considered, and include:

  • A KCP application form
  • Two recommendation forms which should be current and speak to the fellowship
  • FFF eligibility requirements and statement form
  • 学术项目协调员或系主任的信函,表明学生将在合理的时间内圆满完成其预期的学位. 申请硕士课程并希望在公开大学或其他密歇根大学完成博士学位的学生, 这封信还必须说明学生被这样的博士课程录取的可能性.
  • A personal statement indicating academic and career goals in post-secondary education
  • A resume or curriculum vitae (i.e., a brief statement of the applicant's education and scholarly achievements) 

Before applying for or accepting any scholarship or fellowship, please consult with OU Financial Aid regarding how such an award may affect your financial aid package, including loan eligibility.

Selection process

一个选拔委员会每年审查申请,并向研究生院副院长推荐候选人. Selections are made on a competitive basis using criteria that includes academic performance, research accomplishments and potential, recommendation letters, and personal statements. Fellowship decisions are final and not subject to appeal

Conditions for acceptance

KCP研究员同意在获得奖学金后的四年内完成硕士学位或在八年内完成博士学位, and are obligated, by signed agreement, 继续在公立或私立大学担任专上教师或经批准的行政职务, 2 or 4 year, 在州内或州外的高等教育机构学习至少三年的全日制课程.

不履行其奖学金协议中的教学和/或其他义务的研究员可能会被视为违约, 这导致他们的奖学金转化为贷款(称为KCP贷款),他/她偿还给密歇根州.

KCP fellows should complete the exit interview located in the KCP Fellowship folder once their fellowship is complete.

For questions, please contact (248) 370-2700.

Federal aid comes from the U.S. Department of Education as a result of filing a FAFSA. There are three categories of federal aid.


  • Federal Traineeship Grants
    • The School of Nursing applies each year for Federal Traineeship Grants. Funds for the traineeship come from the Bureau of Health Professions, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). 目的是支持注册护士作为全日制研究生注册的培训, first-year Nurse Anesthesia students, part-time students in the last 12 months of their program, 或全日制学生超过12个月的硕士护士麻醉课程的学习.
  • The Federal TEACH Grant
    • Offered to students in a master’s degree program which leads toward teaching. The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program provides $4,000 in annual grant. The maximum cumulative award is $8,000 (two years). 少于全日制学生有相同的累计最高限额,但有按比例的年度奖励. 候选人必须同意在某些招收低收入学生的学校担任全职教师, and teach subjects within certain high-need fields (foreign language, mathematics, reading specialist, science, (特殊教育)在完成获资助课程后的八年内,最少修读四学年. 
    • If a grant recipient does not fulfill the teaching obligation, the TEACH grant funds convert to a Direct Unsubsidized loan that must be repaid with interest. For information regarding interest rates and repayment terms, visit the Federal Student Aid loans website. Requires completion of the FAFSA.


Available to graduate and undergraduate students, 勤工俭学奖学金是通过在校工作挣得的工资,不需要偿还. Funds are limited and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis according to a student's financial need. Visit Handshake to search and apply for student employment positions.


A graduate student can receive a Federal Unsubsidized loan without a co-signer. To view annual and aggregate loan limits, visit the loans page on the Federal Student Aid website. Graduate students are able to apply for a Federal Direct Graduate PLUS loan. The Graduate PLUS loan is approved or denied based on the graduate student's credit. For information regarding interest rates and repayment terms, and to apply visit the PLUS loans page on the Federal Student Aid website.

Graduate School

O'Dowd Hall, Room 520
586 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2700

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.